What is life? Did it feel easy for all or is it complicated? What are the basic things human beings need in his life time? As per me it is three basic things blend in a good manner, that are happiness, health and wealth. We will see why this three basic things is that much important. From the time human beings started the journey on earth they stay in clans. All most all people have same interest and tastes. They hunt together, eat together and live together. Once the basic need of food done, they always find a way to keep them happy. Happiness is a stage where each person can go to his fullest potential. Happiness connect our soul to mother nature. Happiness brings harmony in our life, happiness is key to your success, the list will go on. To be happy try to spend 10 to 30 minutes alone with open nature. This will help us to connect with the soul of universe. Without mother nature we all don’t have existence, even how busy we are, we have to go back to it. We all are connected in the same web of universe.

Health plays main role in our life. To do your own needs without depending on others is a blessing. Just look around you, you can see people depend on others and that is the worst scenario of our life. To be healthy we have to take care of our diet and proper exercise. We must always aware what we eat. I prefer to take a balanced diet of veg salads and a minimum amount of proteins and carbs. For exercise, 30 minute brisk walk is recommendable. This will help to improve mental health, it will increase your energy level and take care of your cardiovascular health. Walking in open air will reduce your stress level. We come from mother nature and keeping a daily connection with nature helps us to be energetic and boost our thinking power.

Wealth is much complicated topic misunderstood by majority of people. It is our basic right to be wealthy. Working hard is only a myth to be wealthy. We have to develop ideas which will be solution for man kind problems, then only we can be wealthy. A chair is a solution for men’s problem, see how many types of chairs available in our market. Bottled water is another solution. look around you, you can see zillion number of solutions come from human mind which make millions of people multi billionaires. Always follow 50-30-20 rule. Spend 50% of your income for your essential needs, 30% for your upgraded life style and keep in mind 20% must always go to your savings. Savings can be shares, ETF’s, Mutual funds, real estate etc. In 20% if you can take high risk you can allocate 2%-3% in crypto & NFT’s which is a fast growing asset class, it depend on your risk tolerance.

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